A Family Dentist Discusses How to Clean Braces

Family Dentist Toms River, NJ

If you have recently gotten braces from the family dentist, you will probably be aware of the hassles of cleaning them. The braces’ brackets are bonded to the tooth’s surface, limiting the reach of the toothbrush and making it harder to clean the teeth thoroughly. Nevertheless, you still need to keep the braces as it is part of keeping the mouth clean.

How to clean braces

The following are helpful tips to keep braces clean:

Select the correct toothbrush

The toothbrush in use before the attachment of braces will probably not be good enough for proper cleaning. Although a regular toothbrush can function, patients might need to consider other options that will make cleaning the teeth and the braces more convenient. For instance, an electric toothbrush might work. Patients can also check for brushes designed mainly to clean around braces. Spindle brushes can clean food debris from between the teeth and braces.

Brush and floss correctly

With braces, patients need to dedicate more time for cleaning. It is important to pay attention to the areas where food can get trapped easily. Brushing should take about three to five minutes with fluoride toothpaste and cover the chewing surfaces, the tongue, and every side of the teeth. An oral rinse can also aid the process.

Flossing might be somewhat challenging due to the wires running along the teeth. However, it is crucial when wearing braces. It might take some time, but the effort is worth it. A floss threader, floss picks and water flosser are good options for removing food particles and plaque between the teeth.

Use a mouthwash

Using mouthwash is essential, especially when the braces are still new. It will take some time for the mouth to adjust to having brackets and wires, and these are more prone to collecting food particles and bacterial plaque than other parts of the mouth, which could mean bad breath and poor oral health. An antibacterial mouthwash can disinfect the mouth down to the areas under the braces where brushes cannot reach, eliminating any leftover bacteria that might remain in the oral cavity. It also prevents the problem of bad breath. It might help also to use a mouthwash that contains fluoride.

Clean the toothbrush and replace it regularly

It is advisable to rinse the toothbrush properly before and after brushing. If there are food particles on the bristles, they might be transferred back to the mouth, encouraging bacteria presence and making cleaning the mouth more difficult. It is also important to replace the toothbrush every three months since it will wear out a lot faster than usual.

In conclusion

Getting braces is just the first step in the teeth straightening process. Ensure you follow the recommendations from the family dentist to ensure treatment progresses successfully. It is easy to follow a proper oral health routine for a few days before slacking. Remember that now, more than ever, caring for your oral cavity and braces is important.

Request an appointment here: https://www.trsmiles.com or call T. R. Smiles Dental at (732) 505-7055 for an appointment in our Toms River office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Toms River, NJ.

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